
Showing posts from February, 2021

Questions every ecommerce Business Startup should answer before Launching a Portal

You have your store (website) ready. You have your products ready. All you have to do is give the green signal and you will be live. As soon as you go live, sales start popping up on your dashboard and in an instant, you're the next Amazon! Not at all. Even before a single sale shows up, even before your store goes live (Yes! In the initial stage, in the trial stage, and at every stage, even after you start earning those juicy dollars) there are a few things that you should always ask yourself and only when you can answer these questions and convince yourself of the answers it gives are you ready to start living and start taking the world of ecommerce website design by storm. QUESTION: What kind of audience do my products cater to? Before you start reaching out to people, you need to be very aware of what segment or niche of the market you are targeting. What is a niche? The niche is a fraction of a total market or audience, a market segment or audience with very specific needs th